Children’s Ministry
To be the very best that we have been created to be through Christ.
Mission Statement
To enhance and propagate the Kingdom of God’s message here on earth by constantly pressing forward through all to attain the mark of God’s high calling.
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.
Children Groups:
Ages 4-6
Led by experienced and compassionate volunteer teachers with the mindset of creating a conducive and wholesome atmosphere where our little angels can thrive in on Bible stories and experiences, learning and in a prayerful environment thus giving them a great start-off in life.
Ages 7-9
Built on the developmental platform of the Flyer Group, this group is led by experienced and compassionate volunteer teachers duly positioned to help the maturing and intriguing mind of our children by teaching them Biblical principles and facts aimed at equipping them for life’s many decisions and challenges.
Ages 10-16
Built on the experiences and training received in previous groups, this group, led by Pastors, volunteers, tutors all from various professions and background, apply various teaching methods, technique and technology to present the Holy Bible and Godly principles to our children in this group in an interactive and mind-stimulating way, thereby capturing and applying relevant scriptures to everyday situations.